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This article covers Adeptus Mechanicus research.

Tier 1[]

Research Type Description Unlocks Recipients Requires Base Cost
Bulwark Imperative
Bulwark Imperative
Trait Increases the armour, but decreases the movement of Doctrina Imperatives units. Cost scales with the amount of affected units (up to 10). Template:Bulwark Imperative Research 36
Enhanced Data-Tether
Enhanced Data-Tether
Trait Increases the morale of Skitarii Vanguards and Skitarii Rangers.
Enhanced Data-Tether: Increases the morale.
Requires: Enhanced Data-Tether
Unit Doctrina Imperatives infantry unit with flame weapons and an aura that cripples enemy infantry and monstrous creatures. Serberys Sulphurhounds
Unit Doctrina Imperative hero unit that leads the Adeptus Mechanicus into battle. Skitarii Marshal
Unit (Only with Escalation Pack DLC)
Doctrina Imperatives infantry unit with a sniper weapon and move through cover.
Skitarii Rangers
Thermo-Exchange Efficiency
Thermo-Exchange Efficiency
Trait Increases the bonus output of Power Surge. Template:Thermo-Exchange Efficiency
Manufactorum Cybernetica
Manufactorum Cybernetica
Building Building that produces ground vehicles as well as generates food, ore and influence. Manufactorum Cybernetica Artisan Constructorum

Tier 2[]

Research Type Description Unlocks Recipients Requires Base Cost
Building Building that produces tech-priests as well as increases population limit and loyalty. Sub-Cloister Artisan Constructorum Research 54
Hab Fane
Hab Fane
Building Building that increases population limit. Hab Fane Artisan Constructorum
Litany of the Electromancer
Litany of the Electromancer
Unit Damages target enemy unit. Attacks and cost scales with the amount of Canticles of the Omnissiah units (up to 10). Litany of the Electromancer
Trait Allows Skitarii Vanguard and Skitarii Rangers to ignore ranged damage reduction. Template:Omnispex Admech
Unit Doctrina Imperatives transport vehicle. Skorpius Dunerider Template:Manufactorum Cybernetica tech
Unit Canticles of the Omnissiah hero unit with powerful support abilities and neutralizing effects. Tech-Priest Manipulus Template:Sub-Cloister tech
Xenarite Acceptance
Xenarite Acceptance
Trait Increases the flat amount of research gained from outposts. Template:Xenarite Acceptance

Tier 3[]

Research Type Description Unlocks Recipients Requires Base Cost
Adjacency Integration
Adjacency Integration
Building Increases the building research output for each building in an adjacent tile. Adjacency Integration Artisan Constructorum Research 77
Fulgurite Electro-Priests
Fulgurite Electro-Priests
Trait Canticles of the Omnissiah melee infantry unit that increases its damage reduction by killing units. Template:Fulgurite Electro-Priests Template:Sub-Cloister tech
Unit Extremely durable and heavily armed Canticles of the Omnissiah combat walker unit. Kastelan Robot Template:Manufactorum Cybernetica tech
Protoservitor Cradle
Protoservitor Cradle
Building Building that increases loyalty. Protoservitor Cradle Artisan Constructorum
Protector Imperative
Protector Imperative
Trait Increases the ranged accuracy, but decreases the melee accuracy of Doctrina Imperatives units. Cost scales with the amount of affected units (up to 10). Template:Protector Imperative
Tech-Priest Dominus
Tech-Priest Dominus
Action Self-reliant Canticles of the Omnissiah hero unit with a scouting ability and damage buffs. Template:Tech-Priest Dominus Template:Sub-Cloister tech

Tier 4[]

Research Type Description Unlocks Recipients Requires Base Cost
Dogma Metalica
Dogma Metalica
Trait Increases the armour penetration of assault weapons. Template:Dogma Metalica Research 104
Chant of the Remorseless Fist
Chant of the Remorseless Fist
Trait Increases the melee accuracy of Canticles of the Omnissiah units. Cost and effectiveness scales with the amount of affected units (up to 10). Template:Chant of the Remorseless Fist
Trait Increases the tile acquisition radius. Template:Mavoraforming
Artisan Constructorum
Artisan Constructorum
Building Building that constructs new buildings as well as generates food, ore and influence. Artisan Constructorum Artisan Constructorum
Lucian Specialisation
Lucian Specialisation
Building Increases the resource output of non-headquarters buildings of the same type on a tile. Lucian Specialisation Artisan Constructorum
Unit Doctrina Imperatives infantry unit that specializes in infiltrating enemy lines. Sicarian Infiltrators
Soylens Acquisition Teams
Soylens Acquisition Teams
Building Increases the building food output for each building in an adjacent tile. Soylens Acquisition Teams Artisan Constructorum

Tier 5[]

Research Type Description Unlocks Recipients Requires Base Cost
Conqueror Imperative
Conqueror Imperative
Trait Increases the melee accuracy, but decreases the ranged accuracy of Doctrina Imperatives units. Cost scales with the amount of affected units (up to 10). Template:Conqueror Imperative Research 135
Graian Protocols
Graian Protocols
Trait Increases the armour of infantry. Template:Graian Protocols
Unit Doctrina Imperatives walker unit focused on exterminating flying units. Onager Dunecrawler Template:Manufactorum Cybernetica tech
Stygian Enlightenment
Stygian Enlightenment
Trait Reduces the research cost. Template:Stygian Enlightenment
Triplex Necessity
Triplex Necessity
Building Increases the building ore output for each building in an adjacent tile. Triplex Necessity Artisan Constructorum
Voices In The Code
Voices In The Code
Trait Increases the morale loss of enemy units adjacent to Sicarian Infiltrators.
Voices In The Code
Increases the morale loss of adjacent enemy units.
Radius Radius: 1
Actions Passive action
Research Technology: Voices In The Code

Sicarian Infiltrators

Tier 6[]

Research Type Description Unlocks Recipients Requires Base Cost
Benediction of Omniscience
Benediction of Omniscience
Trait Increases the ranged accuracy of Canticles of the Omnissiah units. Cost and effectiveness scales with the amount of affected units (up to 10). Template:Benediction of Omniscience Research 171
Cognis Heavy Stubber
Cognis Heavy Stubber
Weapon Grants Onager Dunecrawlers a Cognis Heavy Stubber.
Cognis Heavy Stubber
Assault Assault: Classification.
Cognis Cognis: Limits accuracy loss.

Research Upgrade: Dogma Metalica Increases the armour penetration of assault weapons.

Onager Dunecrawler
Fidorum Voss Prime
Fidorum Voss Prime
Building Increases the building influence output for each building in an adjacent tile. Fidorum Voss Prime Artisan Constructorum
Action Grants Ironstrider Ballistarius, Fulgurite Electro-Priests, Onager Dunecrawler and Knight Crusader the ability to perform more devastating attacks.
Hammer of Wrath
Increases the damage of non-Bomb weapons.
Actions Requires action points
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns
Research Technology: Hammer of Wrath

At least one research of
Trait Increases the armour penetration of melee weapons. Template:Ryzan Savagery
Unit Doctrina Imperatives infantry unit that can jump over enemies and burn them out of cover. Pteraxii Sterylizors

Tier 7[]

Research Type Description Unlocks Recipients Requires Base Cost
Basilikon Archaeoptera
Basilikon Archaeoptera
Building Building that produces aircraft as well as generates food, ore and influence. Basilikon Archaeoptera Artisan Constructorum Research 212
Broad Spectrum Data-Tether
Broad Spectrum Data-Tether
Action Ability for Ironstride Ballistarii, Skorpius Dunerider, Onager Dunecrawler and Skorpius Disintegrator that reduces the morale loss of adjacent Adeptus Mechanicus units.
Broad Spectrum Data-Tether
Reduces the morale loss of adjacent allied Adeptus Mechanicus units.
Radius Radius: 1
Actions Passive action
Research Technology: Broad Spectrum Data-Tether

Template:Manufactorum Cybernetica tech
Agripinaan Ablation
Agripinaan Ablation
Trait Increases the armour of vehicles. Template:Agripinaan Ablation At least one research of
  • Template:Manufactorum Cybernetica tech
  • Template:Basilikon Archaeoptera tech
Unit Canticles of the Omnissiah infantry unit with devastating anti-armour weaponry. Kataphron Destroyers
Reclaimator Protocols
Reclaimator Protocols
Trait Increases the growth rate. Template:Reclaimator Protocols
Trait Increases the ranged damage reduction of Canticles of the Omnissiah units. Cost and effectiveness scales with the amount of affected units (up to 10). Template:Shroudpsalm

Tier 8[]

Research Type Description Unlocks Recipients Requires Base Cost
Aggressor Imperative
Aggressor Imperative
Trait Increases the movement, but decreases the armour of Doctrina Imperatives units. Cost scales with the amount of affected units (up to 10). Template:Aggressor Imperative Research 257
Unit Doctrina Imperatives flying combat unit. Archaeopter Stratoraptor Template:Basilikon Archaeoptera tech
Scriptorum Ordinatus
Scriptorum Ordinatus
Trait Increases the armour penetration of heavy weapons. Template:Scriptorum Ordinatus
Unit Powerful Doctrina Imperatives front-line tank unit. Skorpius Disintegrator Template:Manufactorum Cybernetica tech
Solar Reflectors
Solar Reflectors
Building Increases the building energy output for each building in an adjacent tile. Solar Reflectors Artisan Constructorum

Tier 9[]

Research Type Description Unlocks Recipients Requires Base Cost
Hive World Approval
Hive World Approval
Trait Increases the tile acquisition radius. Template:Hive World Approval Research 306
Command Uplink
Command Uplink
Action Ability for Archaeopter Transvector and Archaeopter Stratoraptor that reduces the morale loss of adjacent Adeptus Mechanicus units.
Command Uplink
Reduces the morale loss of adjacent allied Adeptus Mechanicus units.
Radius Radius: 1
Actions Passive action
Research Technology: Command Uplink

Template:Basilikon Archaeoptera tech
Invocation of Machine-Might
Invocation of Machine-Might
Trait Increases the melee damage of Canticles of the Omnissiah units. Cost and effectiveness scales with the amount of affected units (up to 10). Template:Invocation of Machine-Might
Unit Super-heavy walker unit with an endless array of deadly ranged weapons. Knight Crusader Template:Manufactorum Cybernetica tech
Optate Restrictions
Optate Restrictions
Trait Increases the population limit of Hab Fanes. Template:Optate Restrictions

Tier 10[]

Research Type Description Unlocks Recipients Requires Base Cost
Blessed Conduits
Blessed Conduits
Trait Reduces the cooldown of Power Surge. Template:Blessed Conduits Research 360
Icons of the Omnissiah
Icons of the Omnissiah
Building Increases the building loyalty output for each building in an adjacent tile. Icons of the Omnissiah Artisan Constructorum
Incantation of the Iron Soul
Incantation of the Iron Soul
Trait Reduces the morale loss of Canticles of the Omnissiah units. Cost and effectiveness scales with the amount of affected units (up to 10). Template:Incantation of the Iron Soul
Terran Generalism
Terran Generalism
Building Increases the production output for each building in an adjacent tile. Terran Generalism Artisan Constructorum
Twin-Linked Icarus Autocannon
Twin-Linked Icarus Autocannon
Weapon Grants Knight Crusaders a Twin-Linked Icarus Autocannon.
Twin-Linked Icarus Autocannon
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.
Skyfire Skyfire: Increases the accuracy against flyers. Reduces the accuracy against ground units that are not skimmer, jetbike or jet pack.
TwinLinked Twin-Linked: Increases the accuracy.

Research Upgrade: Scriptorum Ordinatus Increases the armour penetration of heavy weapons.

Knight Crusader
Units & Heroes
Heroes Skitarii MarshalTech-Priest ManipulusTech-Priest Dominus
Infantry Skitarii VanguardsCybernetica DatasmithSerberys Sulphurhounds
Fulgurite Electro-PriestsSicarian InfiltratorsPteraxii SterylizorsKataphron Destroyers
Vehicles Ironstrider BallistariusKastelan RobotSkorpius Dunerider
Onager DunecrawlerSkorpius DisintegratorKnight Crusader
Aircraft Archaeopter TransvectorArchaeopter Stratoraptor
Stationary Forge Temple
Resource production
Unit production
ResearchFaction Quest