Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War Wiki

The Astra Militarum are able to use multiple edicts with different efects to improve their cities temporarily. These can be found in the bottom left of the city menu. All edicts are activatable by spending Influence 40, have a 10 turn Cooldown Cooldown and need to be unlocked with research.

List of Edicts[]

Edict Effect Research tier Description
Inspired Training Production +33% for Imperial Barracks 1
Rites of the Machine Spirits Production +33% for Manufactorums 2
Agronomic Surge Food +33% 3
Extraction Quotas Ore +33% 4
Breeding Licenses +33% Growth Growth 5
Revelations of the Omnissiah Research +33% 6
Coven Foci Production +33% for Psyker Covens 7
Running Hot Energy +33% 8
Naval Orders Production +33% for Voidports 9
Bulwark of the Emperor +2 Armor Armour for units inside the city 10
Propaganda Broadcast Loyalty +33% 10

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Units & Heroes
Heroes Lord CommissarPrimaris PsykerTank Commander
Infantry GuardsmenRatlingsTechpriest EnginseersHeavy Weapons Squad
Tempestus ScionsWyrdvane PsykersBullgryns
Vehicles Scout SentinelsChimeraHydraBasiliskLeman Russ Battle TankBaneblade
Aircraft ValkyrieThunderboltMarauder Bomber
Stationary Basilica AdministratumImperial BastionVoid Shield Generator
Main Basilica AdministratumLabour Corps
Resource production Plasma IoniserSoylens FarmHab BlockCogitator StationSanctum ImperialisOre ExtractorOfficio Tactica
Unit production Shrine of the AquilaImperial BarracksCult MechanicusManufactorumPsyker CovenVoidport
ResearchEdictsFaction Quest