Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War Wiki

This article covers Astra Militarum units.


Unit Tier Description Weapons Actions Attributes Cost Upkeep
1 Hero unit that provides bonuses to nearby allied units.
Bolt Pistol
BoltWeapon Bolt Weapon: The boltgun, or bolter, fires small missiles known as 'bolts'. Each self-propelled bolt explodes with devastating effect once it has penetrated its target. There are many variations of boltguns, from the short-barreled bolt pistol to the Vulcan mega-bolter often mounted on Titans and other super-heavy vehicles.

Research Upgrade: Kraken Bolts Increases the armour penetration of bolt weapons.

Power Sword
Melee Melee: Cannot overwatch.

Aura of Discipline
Increases the accuracy of the Lord Commissar and adjacent allied Astra Militarum infantry.
Radius Radius: 1
Actions Passive action
Discipline Discipline: Increases the accuracy.

“Bring it Down!”
Increases the armour penetration of the Lord Commissar and adjacent allied Astra Militarum infantry.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns
Radius Radius: 1

Summary Execution
Executes a squad member of an adjacent infantry unit to restore morale of nearby allied units.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns
Range Range: 1
Radius Radius: 3
Effect: -1.0 PopulationLimit Group size
+3.0 / +6.0 / +9.0 Morale Morale

Iron Will
After dying, the Lord Commissar immediately comes back to life.
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Actions Passive action

Frag Grenade
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Research Technology: Frag Grenade
Range Range: 1
Assault Assault: Classification.
Blast Blast: Hits multiple group members of the target unit.
Grenade Grenade: A small bomb thrown by hand.

Research Upgrade: Improved Frag Casings: Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.

Krak Grenade
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Research Technology: Krak Grenade

Assault Assault: Classification.
Grenade Grenade: A small bomb thrown by hand.

Research Upgrade: Improved Frag Casings: Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.

Armor Armour: 6
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 6
Morale Morale: 12
Movement Movement: 3
Production 36 (Turns 6)
Food 40
Ore 40
Influence 160
Food 2
Influence 4
2 Hero unit with destructive psychic powers.
Research Upgrade: Hotshot Power Packs Increases the armour penetration of las weapons.

Force Stave
Concussive Concussive: Temporarily reduces the accuracy of the target infantry unit.
Melee Melee: Cannot overwatch.

Molten Beam
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 2 Turns
Range Range: 2
Beam Beam: Hits with increased accuracy against multiple group members of the target unit.
Melta Melta: Increases the armour penetration at half range.
PsychicPower Psychic Power: Classification.
Witchfire Witchfire: Classification.

Life Leech
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 2 Turns
Range Range: 2
LifeSteal Life Steal: Converts damage into healing for this and adjacent infantry units.
PsychicPower Psychic Power: Classification.
Witchfire Witchfire: Classification.

Scrier's Gaze
Reveals the target tile and adjacent tiles.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns
Range Range: Infinite
Radius Radius: 1

Psychic Maelstrom
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 5 Turns
Range Range: 2
Barrage Barrage: Does not require line of sight, but cannot overwatch.
LargeBlast Large Blast: Hits multiple group members of the target unit.
PsychicPower Psychic Power: Classification.
Witchfire Witchfire: Classification.

Frag Grenade
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Research Technology: Frag Grenade
Range Range: 1
Assault Assault: Classification.
Blast Blast: Hits multiple group members of the target unit.
Grenade Grenade: A small bomb thrown by hand.

Research Upgrade: Improved Frag Casings: Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.

Armor Armour: 4
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 6
Morale Morale: 10
Movement Movement: 3
Production 30 (Turns 5)
Food 30
Energy 30
Influence 120
Energy 1.5
Influence 3
3 Tank hero unit with formidable strength that also boosts nearby allied tank units.
Battle Cannon
LargeBlast Large Blast: Hits multiple group members of the target unit.
Ordnance Ordnance: Increases the armour penetration against vehicles and fortifications. Not usable by infantry after moving.

Research Upgrade: Improved Frag Casings Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.

HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Hotshot Power Packs Increases the armour penetration of las weapons.

Heavy Bolter
BoltWeapon Bolt Weapon: The boltgun, or bolter, fires small missiles known as 'bolts'. Each self-propelled bolt explodes with devastating effect once it has penetrated its target. There are many variations of boltguns, from the short-barreled bolt pistol to the Vulcan mega-bolter often mounted on Titans and other super-heavy vehicles.
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Kraken Bolts Increases the armour penetration of bolt weapons.

“Full Throttle!”
Grants movement to the Tank Commander and adjacent allied tanks with movement remaining.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns
Radius Radius: 1

“Gunners, Kill on Sight!”
Increases the ranged attacks of the Tank Commander and adjacent allied tanks.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns
Radius Radius: 1

“Roll Over Them!”
Rolls over target enemy infantry.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns

Melee Melee: Cannot overwatch.
Template Template: Hits with increased accuracy against multiple group members of the target unit.

“Strike and Shroud!”
Creates a smoke screen on the tile of the Tank Commander and adjacent tiles with allied tanks that provides ranged damage reduction.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 5 Turns
Radius Radius: 1
SmokeScreen Smoke Screen: Increases the ranged damage reduction.

Create Smoke Screen
Increases ranged damage reduction to the target tile and blocks line of sight.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: self
Research Technology: Smoke Launcher
Effect: SmokeScreen Smoke Screen: Increases the ranged damage reduction.
for Turns 3

Hunter-Killer Missile
Barrage Barrage: Does not require line of sight, but cannot overwatch.
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Improved Frag Casings Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.

Armor Armour: 9
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 48
Morale Morale: 10
Movement Movement: 3
Production 48 (Turns 8)
Ore 80
Influence 120
Ore 4
Influence 6


Unit Tier Description Weapons Actions Attributes Cost Upkeep
0 Light infantry unit.
8x Lasgun
RapidFire Rapid Fire: Doubles the attacks at half range.

Research Upgrade: Hotshot Power Packs Increases the armour penetration of las weapons.

8x Frag Grenade
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Research Technology: Frag Grenade
Range Range: 1
Assault Assault: Classification.
Blast Blast: Hits multiple group members of the target unit.
Grenade Grenade: A small bomb thrown by hand.

Research Upgrade: Improved Frag Casings: Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.

8x Krak Grenade
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Research Technology: Krak Grenade

Assault Assault: Classification.
Grenade Grenade: A small bomb thrown by hand.

Research Upgrade: Improved Frag Casings: Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.

8x Medi-Pack
Restores the hitpoints.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Research Technology: Medi-Pack
Effect: +50% Hitpoints Hitpoints

Armor Armour: 4
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 16
Morale Morale: 6
Movement Movement: 3
Production 24 (Turns 4)
Food 10
Ore 10
Food 1
1 (Only with Specialist Pack DLC)
Sniper infantry unit that can move after shooting.
6x Sniper Rifle
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.
Sniper Sniper: Increases the damage and armour penetration against infantry units.

Research Upgrade: Kraken Bolts Increases the armour penetration of bolt weapons.

Armor Armour: 4
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 9
Morale Morale: 6
Movement Movement: 3
Production 15 (Turns 3)
Food 7.5
Ore 7.5
Food 1.5
2 Infantry unit that supports vehicles, clears tiles and founds new cities.
3x Power Axe
Melee Melee: Cannot overwatch.
Unwieldy Unwieldy: Reduces the accuracy.

3x Servo-Arm
Melee Melee: Cannot overwatch.
Unwieldy Unwieldy: Reduces the accuracy.

3x Found City
Consumes the unit to found a new city. Cities can only be found where there are no other cities within a 4 tile radius. Each city after the first decreases loyalty in all cities by 6.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cost: Ore 20, Influence 20 (Per existing city)

3x Clear Tile
Restores the tile to its normal state and clears it of wire weed, imperial ruins and forests, one at a time.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 1 Turns
Range Range: 1
Cost: Ore 2.5, Influence 2.5

3x Blessings of the Omnissiah
Restores the hitpoints of the target allied vehicle or fortification unit.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 1 Turns
Range Range: 1

3x Frag Grenade
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Research Technology: Frag Grenade
Range Range: 1
Assault Assault: Classification.
Blast Blast: Hits multiple group members of the target unit.
Grenade Grenade: A small bomb thrown by hand.

Research Upgrade: Improved Frag Casings: Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.

3x Krak Grenade
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Research Technology: Krak Grenade

Assault Assault: Classification.
Grenade Grenade: A small bomb thrown by hand.

Research Upgrade: Improved Frag Casings: Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.

3x Awaken The Machine
Increases the ranged accuracy of the target allied vehicle or fortification unit.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 1 Turns
Range Range: 1
Research Technology: Awaken The Machine

3x Construct Imperial Strongpoint
Fortification with heavy bolters that can shelter infantry.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 5 Turns
Range Range: 1
Research Technology: Imperial Bastion
Cost: Ore 20

3x Construct Void Shield Generator
Fortification that shields units in range.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 5 Turns
Range Range: 1
Research Technology: Void Shield Generator
Cost: Ore 10, Energy 10

Armor Armour: 8
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 6
Morale Morale: 10
Movement Movement: 3
Production 21 (Turns 4)
Ore 15
Energy 15
Ore 3
2 Infantry unit equipped to deal with heavily armoured targets.
4x Krak / Frag Missile Launcher
Actions Cycle Weapon: Cycle between active weapons. Free action.
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Improved Frag Casings Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.

4x Frag Grenade
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Research Technology: Frag Grenade
Range Range: 1
Assault Assault: Classification.
Blast Blast: Hits multiple group members of the target unit.
Grenade Grenade: A small bomb thrown by hand.

Research Upgrade: Improved Frag Casings: Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.

4x Krak Grenade
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Research Technology: Krak Grenade

Assault Assault: Classification.
Grenade Grenade: A small bomb thrown by hand.

Research Upgrade: Improved Frag Casings: Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.

Armor Armour: 4
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 16
Morale Morale: 6
Movement Movement: 3
Production 30 (Turns 5)
Food 15
Ore 15
Food 1.5
4 (Only with Reinforcement Pack DLC)
Elite shock infantry unit.
7x Hot-Shot Lasgun
RapidFire Rapid Fire: Doubles the attacks at half range.

Research Upgrade: Hotshot Power Packs Increases the armour penetration of las weapons.

7x Frag Grenade
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Research Technology: Frag Grenade
Range Range: 1
Assault Assault: Classification.
Blast Blast: Hits multiple group members of the target unit.
Grenade Grenade: A small bomb thrown by hand.

Research Upgrade: Improved Frag Casings: Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.

7x Krak Grenade
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Research Technology: Krak Grenade

Assault Assault: Classification.
Grenade Grenade: A small bomb thrown by hand.

Research Upgrade: Improved Frag Casings: Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.

7x Medi-Pack
Restores the hitpoints.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Research Technology: Medi-Pack
Effect: +50% Hitpoints Hitpoints

Armor Armour: 6
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 14
Morale Morale: 6
Movement Movement: 3
Production 18 (Turns 3)
Food 10
Ore 10
Food 2
5 Psyker unit that specializes in debuffs.
5x Laspistol
Research Upgrade: Hotshot Power Packs Increases the armour penetration of las weapons.

5x Flame Breath
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 1 Turns
Range Range: 1
Flame Flame: Classification.
IgnoresCover Ignores Cover: Ignores the ranged damage reduction of the target unit.
NoEscape No Escape: Increases the attacks against open-topped units.
PsychicPower Psychic Power: Classification.
SoulBlaze Soul Blaze: Deals damage each turn.
Template Template: Hits with increased accuracy against multiple group members of the target unit.
Witchfire Witchfire: Classification.

5x Enfeeble
Reduces the damage and movement of the target enemy unit.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 1 Turns
Range Range: 2
Enfeeble Weakened: Reduces the movement and damage.

5x Misfortune
Increases the damage taken for the target enemy unit.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 1 Turns
Range Range: 2
Research Technology: Misfortune

Armor Armour: 4
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 10
Morale Morale: 8
Movement Movement: 3
Production 15 (Turns 3)
Food 7.5
Energy 7.5
Energy 1.5
6 Heavy melee infantry unit.
3x Power Maul
Concussive Concussive: Temporarily reduces the accuracy of the target infantry unit.
Melee Melee: Cannot overwatch.

3x Frag Grenade
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Research Technology: Frag Grenade
Range Range: 1
Assault Assault: Classification.
Blast Blast: Hits multiple group members of the target unit.
Grenade Grenade: A small bomb thrown by hand.

Research Upgrade: Improved Frag Casings: Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.

3x Hammer of Wrath
Increases the damage.
Actions Requires action points
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns
Research Technology: Hammer of Wrath

Armor Armour: 6
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 36
Morale Morale: 8
Movement Movement: 3
Production 21 (Turns 4)
Food 15
Ore 15
Food 3


Unit Tier Description Weapons Actions Attributes Cost Upkeep
1 Light armoured walker unit specialized in reconnaissance.
2x Multi-Laser
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Hotshot Power Packs Increases the armour penetration of las weapons.

Reveals all tiles in the area.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns
Radius Radius: 3

Create Smoke Screen
Increases ranged damage reduction to the target tile and blocks line of sight.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: self
Research Technology: Smoke Launcher
Effect: SmokeScreen Smoke Screen: Increases the ranged damage reduction.
for Turns 3

Hammer of Wrath
Increases the damage.
Actions Requires action points
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns
Research Technology: Hammer of Wrath

2x Hunter-Killer Missile
Barrage Barrage: Does not require line of sight, but cannot overwatch.
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Improved Frag Casings Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.

Armor Armour: 6
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 32
Morale Morale: 8
Movement Movement: 3
Production 36 (Turns 6)
Ore 40
Ore 2
1 (Only with Assault Pack DLC)
Amphibious transport unit with manned weaponry and communication equipment.
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Hotshot Power Packs Increases the armour penetration of las weapons.

Heavy Bolter
BoltWeapon Bolt Weapon: The boltgun, or bolter, fires small missiles known as 'bolts'. Each self-propelled bolt explodes with devastating effect once it has penetrated its target. There are many variations of boltguns, from the short-barreled bolt pistol to the Vulcan mega-bolter often mounted on Titans and other super-heavy vehicles.
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Kraken Bolts Increases the armour penetration of bolt weapons.

Lasgun Array
MannedWeapon Manned Weapon: Requires cargo to fire.
RapidFire Rapid Fire: Doubles the attacks at half range.

Research Upgrade: Hotshot Power Packs Increases the armour penetration of las weapons.

Create Smoke Screen
Increases ranged damage reduction to the target tile and blocks line of sight.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: self
Research Technology: Smoke Launcher
Effect: SmokeScreen Smoke Screen: Increases the ranged damage reduction.
for Turns 3

Hunter-Killer Missile
Barrage Barrage: Does not require line of sight, but cannot overwatch.
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Improved Frag Casings Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.

Armor Armour: 7
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 24
Morale Morale: 8
Movement Movement: 4
Production 18 (Turns 3)
Ore 20
Ore 2
3 Fast tank unit that excels against airborne targets.
Twin-Linked Hydra Autocannon
BoltWeapon Bolt Weapon: The boltgun, or bolter, fires small missiles known as 'bolts'. Each self-propelled bolt explodes with devastating effect once it has penetrated its target. There are many variations of boltguns, from the short-barreled bolt pistol to the Vulcan mega-bolter often mounted on Titans and other super-heavy vehicles.
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.
Skyfire Skyfire: Increases the accuracy against flyers. Reduces the accuracy against ground units that are not skimmer, jetbike or jet pack.
TwinLinked Twin-Linked: Increases the accuracy.

Research Upgrade: Kraken Bolts Increases the armour penetration of bolt weapons.

Heavy Bolter
BoltWeapon Bolt Weapon: The boltgun, or bolter, fires small missiles known as 'bolts'. Each self-propelled bolt explodes with devastating effect once it has penetrated its target. There are many variations of boltguns, from the short-barreled bolt pistol to the Vulcan mega-bolter often mounted on Titans and other super-heavy vehicles.
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Kraken Bolts Increases the armour penetration of bolt weapons.

Create Smoke Screen
Increases ranged damage reduction to the target tile and blocks line of sight.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: self
Research Technology: Smoke Launcher
Effect: SmokeScreen Smoke Screen: Increases the ranged damage reduction.
for Turns 3

Hunter-Killer Missile
Barrage Barrage: Does not require line of sight, but cannot overwatch.
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Improved Frag Casings Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.

Armor Armour: 7
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 24
Morale Morale: 8
Movement Movement: 4
Production 36 (Turns 6)
Ore 40
Ore 2
5 Long-range artillery tank unit.
Earthshaker Cannon
Barrage Barrage: Does not require line of sight, but cannot overwatch.
LargeBlast Large Blast: Hits multiple group members of the target unit.
Ordnance Ordnance: Increases the armour penetration against vehicles and fortifications. Not usable by infantry after moving.

Research Upgrade: Improved Frag Casings Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.

Heavy Bolter
BoltWeapon Bolt Weapon: The boltgun, or bolter, fires small missiles known as 'bolts'. Each self-propelled bolt explodes with devastating effect once it has penetrated its target. There are many variations of boltguns, from the short-barreled bolt pistol to the Vulcan mega-bolter often mounted on Titans and other super-heavy vehicles.
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Kraken Bolts Increases the armour penetration of bolt weapons.

Create Smoke Screen
Increases ranged damage reduction to the target tile and blocks line of sight.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: self
Research Technology: Smoke Launcher
Effect: SmokeScreen Smoke Screen: Increases the ranged damage reduction.
for Turns 3

Hunter-Killer Missile
Barrage Barrage: Does not require line of sight, but cannot overwatch.
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Improved Frag Casings Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.

Armor Armour: 7
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 24
Morale Morale: 8
Movement Movement: 4
Production 21 (Turns 4)
Ore 30
Ore 3
6 Heavily armoured main battle tank unit.
Battle Cannon
LargeBlast Large Blast: Hits multiple group members of the target unit.
Ordnance Ordnance: Increases the armour penetration against vehicles and fortifications. Not usable by infantry after moving.

Research Upgrade: Improved Frag Casings Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.

HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Hotshot Power Packs Increases the armour penetration of las weapons.

Heavy Bolter
BoltWeapon Bolt Weapon: The boltgun, or bolter, fires small missiles known as 'bolts'. Each self-propelled bolt explodes with devastating effect once it has penetrated its target. There are many variations of boltguns, from the short-barreled bolt pistol to the Vulcan mega-bolter often mounted on Titans and other super-heavy vehicles.
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Kraken Bolts Increases the armour penetration of bolt weapons.

Create Smoke Screen
Increases ranged damage reduction to the target tile and blocks line of sight.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: self
Research Technology: Smoke Launcher
Effect: SmokeScreen Smoke Screen: Increases the ranged damage reduction.
for Turns 3

Hunter-Killer Missile
Barrage Barrage: Does not require line of sight, but cannot overwatch.
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Improved Frag Casings Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.

Armor Armour: 9
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 48
Morale Morale: 8
Movement Movement: 3
Production 24 (Turns 4)
Ore 40
Ore 4
10 Super-heavy tank unit with devastating firepower.
BoltWeapon Bolt Weapon: The boltgun, or bolter, fires small missiles known as 'bolts'. Each self-propelled bolt explodes with devastating effect once it has penetrated its target. There are many variations of boltguns, from the short-barreled bolt pistol to the Vulcan mega-bolter often mounted on Titans and other super-heavy vehicles.
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Kraken Bolts Increases the armour penetration of bolt weapons.

Baneblade Cannon
ApocalypticBlast Apocalyptic Blast: Hits multiple group members of the target unit.
PrimaryWeapon Primary Weapon: Increases the armour penetration.

Research Upgrade: Improved Frag Casings Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.

Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter
BoltWeapon Bolt Weapon: The boltgun, or bolter, fires small missiles known as 'bolts'. Each self-propelled bolt explodes with devastating effect once it has penetrated its target. There are many variations of boltguns, from the short-barreled bolt pistol to the Vulcan mega-bolter often mounted on Titans and other super-heavy vehicles.
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.
TwinLinked Twin-Linked: Increases the accuracy.

Research Upgrade: Kraken Bolts Increases the armour penetration of bolt weapons.

2x Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter
BoltWeapon Bolt Weapon: The boltgun, or bolter, fires small missiles known as 'bolts'. Each self-propelled bolt explodes with devastating effect once it has penetrated its target. There are many variations of boltguns, from the short-barreled bolt pistol to the Vulcan mega-bolter often mounted on Titans and other super-heavy vehicles.
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.
TwinLinked Twin-Linked: Increases the accuracy.

Research Upgrade: Kraken Bolts Increases the armour penetration of bolt weapons.

Aura of Fear
Reduces the morale of adjacent enemy units each turn.
Radius Radius: 1
Actions Passive action
Fear Fear: Reduces the morale each turn.

Demolisher Cannon
LargeBlast Large Blast: Hits multiple group members of the target unit.
Ordnance Ordnance: Increases the armour penetration against vehicles and fortifications. Not usable by infantry after moving.

Research Upgrade: Improved Frag Casings Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.

2x Lascannon
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Hotshot Power Packs Increases the armour penetration of las weapons.

Create Smoke Screen
Increases ranged damage reduction to the target tile and blocks line of sight.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: self
Research Technology: Smoke Launcher
Effect: SmokeScreen Smoke Screen: Increases the ranged damage reduction.
for Turns 3

Hunter-Killer Missile
Barrage Barrage: Does not require line of sight, but cannot overwatch.
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Improved Frag Casings Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.

Armor Armour: 9
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 144
Morale Morale: 10
Movement Movement: 2
Production 36 (Turns 6)
Ore 320
Ore 16


Unit Tier Description Weapons Actions Attributes Cost Upkeep
7 Versatile airborne transport unit.
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Hotshot Power Packs Increases the armour penetration of las weapons.

Hellstrike Missile
GroundAttack Ground Attack: Can only target ground units.
Ordnance Ordnance: Increases the armour penetration against vehicles and fortifications. Not usable by infantry after moving.

Research Upgrade: Improved Frag Casings Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.

Heavy Bolter
BoltWeapon Bolt Weapon: The boltgun, or bolter, fires small missiles known as 'bolts'. Each self-propelled bolt explodes with devastating effect once it has penetrated its target. There are many variations of boltguns, from the short-barreled bolt pistol to the Vulcan mega-bolter often mounted on Titans and other super-heavy vehicles.
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Kraken Bolts Increases the armour penetration of bolt weapons.

Increases the ranged damage reduction but reduces the accuracy. Cannot be used if the unit has attacked this turn.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns

Armor Armour: 8
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 36
Morale Morale: 8
Movement Movement: 6
Production 21 (Turns 4)
Ore 15
Energy 15
Energy 3
8 Fast and heavy fighter unit.
Twin-Linked Lascannon
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.
TwinLinked Twin-Linked: Increases the accuracy.

Research Upgrade: Hotshot Power Packs Increases the armour penetration of las weapons.

Twin-Linked Autocannon
BoltWeapon Bolt Weapon: The boltgun, or bolter, fires small missiles known as 'bolts'. Each self-propelled bolt explodes with devastating effect once it has penetrated its target. There are many variations of boltguns, from the short-barreled bolt pistol to the Vulcan mega-bolter often mounted on Titans and other super-heavy vehicles.
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.
TwinLinked Twin-Linked: Increases the accuracy.

Research Upgrade: Kraken Bolts Increases the armour penetration of bolt weapons.

Skystrike Missile
AerialAttack Aerial Attack: Can only target flyers.
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.
Skyfire Skyfire: Increases the accuracy against flyers. Reduces the accuracy against ground units that are not skimmer, jetbike or jet pack.

Research Upgrade: Improved Frag Casings Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.

Increases the movement.
Actions Consumes action points
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns

Increases the ranged damage reduction but reduces the accuracy. Cannot be used if the unit has attacked this turn.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns

Dispense Chaff
Increases the ranged damage reduction.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 5 Turns
Research Technology: Chaff Launcher
Chaff Chaff: Increases the ranged damage reduction.

Armor Armour: 7
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 24
Morale Morale: 8
Movement Movement: 6
Production 24 (Turns 4)
Ore 20
Energy 20
Energy 4
9 Super-heavy bomber unit that obliterates ground targets.
Twin-Linked Lascannon
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.
TwinLinked Twin-Linked: Increases the accuracy.

Research Upgrade: Hotshot Power Packs Increases the armour penetration of las weapons.

Twin-Linked Heavy Bolter
BoltWeapon Bolt Weapon: The boltgun, or bolter, fires small missiles known as 'bolts'. Each self-propelled bolt explodes with devastating effect once it has penetrated its target. There are many variations of boltguns, from the short-barreled bolt pistol to the Vulcan mega-bolter often mounted on Titans and other super-heavy vehicles.
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.
TwinLinked Twin-Linked: Increases the accuracy.

Research Upgrade: Kraken Bolts Increases the armour penetration of bolt weapons.

Aura of Fear
Reduces the morale of adjacent enemy units each turn.
Radius Radius: 1
Actions Passive action
Fear Fear: Reduces the morale each turn.

Increases the ranged damage reduction but reduces the accuracy. Cannot be used if the unit has attacked this turn.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns

Heavy Bomb Clusters
Actions Free action
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns
Range Range: 1
ApocalypticBarrage Apocalyptic Barrage: Hits multiple group members of the target unit.
Bomb Bomb: Fixed accuracy.

Research Upgrade: Improved Frag Casings: Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.

Dispense Chaff
Increases the ranged damage reduction.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 5 Turns
Research Technology: Chaff Launcher
Chaff Chaff: Increases the ranged damage reduction.

Armor Armour: 7
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 72
Morale Morale: 10
Movement Movement: 6
Production 33 (Turns 6)
Ore 60
Energy 60
Energy 12


Unit Tier Description Weapons Actions Attributes Cost Upkeep
0 Headquarters unit that represents a city's defenses.
8x Lasgun
RapidFire Rapid Fire: Doubles the attacks at half range.

Research Upgrade: Hotshot Power Packs Increases the armour penetration of las weapons.

3x Krak Missile Launcher
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Improved Frag Casings Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.

Set Rally Point
Sets the rally point for newly produced units in this city.
Actions Free action

Armor Armour: 6
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 64
Morale Morale: 10
Movement Movement: -
Ore 20
Influence 20
(Per existing city)
Loyalty 6 for each city beyond the first
4 Fortification with heavy bolters that can shelter infantry.
Heavy Bolter
BoltWeapon Bolt Weapon: The boltgun, or bolter, fires small missiles known as 'bolts'. Each self-propelled bolt explodes with devastating effect once it has penetrated its target. There are many variations of boltguns, from the short-barreled bolt pistol to the Vulcan mega-bolter often mounted on Titans and other super-heavy vehicles.
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Kraken Bolts Increases the armour penetration of bolt weapons.

Armor Armour: 10
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 32
Morale Morale: 10
Movement Movement: -
Production 18 (Turns 3)
Ore 20
Ore 2
5 (Only with Fortification Pack DLC)
Fortification that shields units in range.
Projected Void Shield
Increases the ranged damage reduction of units in range.
Radius Radius: 2
Actions Passive action

Armor Armour: 9
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 16
Morale Morale: 8
Movement Movement: -
Production 15 (Turns 3)
Ore 10
Energy 10
Energy 2
Units & Heroes
Heroes Lord CommissarPrimaris PsykerTank Commander
Infantry GuardsmenRatlingsTechpriest EnginseersHeavy Weapons Squad
Tempestus ScionsWyrdvane PsykersBullgryns
Vehicles Scout SentinelsChimeraHydraBasiliskLeman Russ Battle TankBaneblade
Aircraft ValkyrieThunderboltMarauder Bomber
Stationary Basilica AdministratumImperial BastionVoid Shield Generator
Main Basilica AdministratumLabour Corps
Resource production Plasma IoniserSoylens FarmHab BlockCogitator StationSanctum ImperialisOre ExtractorOfficio Tactica
Unit production Shrine of the AquilaImperial BarracksCult MechanicusManufactorumPsyker CovenVoidport
ResearchEdictsFaction Quest