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This article covers Chaos Space Marine research.

Tier 1[]

Research Type Description Unlocks Recipients Requires Base Cost
Weapon Grants Champions of Chaos the chance to restore their hitpoints when killing an enemy. Template:Bloated Research 36
Unit Fast melee infantry unit that mutates each turn. Chaos Spawns
Building Building that produces heroes as well as generates influence and increases loyalty. Lord's Quarters Warp Forge
Building Building that produces infantry as well as generates food and research. Abominator's Genelab Warp Forge
Rite of Change
Rite of Change
Trait Sacrifices population to Tzeentch to increase the production output of Warp Forges and research output of Archives of the Ways in the city. Template:Rite of Change
Building Building that produces ground vehicles as well as generates ore and influence. Infernal Fabricator Warp Forge

Tier 2[]

Research Type Description Unlocks Recipients Requires Base Cost
Dark Disciples
Dark Disciples
Trait (Only with Specialist Pack DLC)
Infantry unit that increases the defenses of Chaos units.
Template:Dark Disciples Research 54
Dirge Caster
Dirge Caster
Action Grants Chaos Rhinos, Defilers and Chaos Land Raiders the ability to prevent overwatch attacks.
Dirge Caster
Prevents adjacent enemy units from doing overwatch attacks.
Radius Radius: 1
Actions Passive action
Research Technology: Dirge Caster

Template:Infernal Fabricator tech
Action Grants Chaos Lords, Chaos Space Marines, Havocs, Khorne Berzerkers, Masters of Possession and Warpsmiths the ability to throw anti-infantry grenades.
Frag Grenade
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Research Technology: Frag Grenade

Assault Assault: Classification.
Blast Blast: Hits multiple group members of the target unit.
Grenade Grenade: A small bomb thrown by hand.

Research Upgrade: Daemonbone Casings: Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.

At least one research of
  • Template:Lord's Quarters tech
  • Template:Abominator's Genelab tech
Captive Pens
Captive Pens
Building Building that increases population limit. Captive Pens Warp Forge
Unit Melee infantry unit. Khorne Berzerkers Template:Abominator's Genelab tech
Mark of Nurgle
Mark of Nurgle
Trait Mark of Chaos that increases the hitpoints of an allied Chaos infantry unit. Template:Mark of Nurgle
Unit Psyker hero unit that summons Daemons and supports allies. Master of Possession Template:Lord's Quarters tech

Tier 3[]

Research Type Description Unlocks Recipients Requires Base Cost
Crystalline Body
Crystalline Body
Trait Grants Champions of Chaos the chance to gain permanently increased hitpoints when killing an enemy (Boon of Chaos). Template:Crystalline Body Research 77
Unit Long range infantry unit that is more accurate while stationary. Havocs Template:Abominator's Genelab tech
Action Grants Chaos Lord, Chaos Space Marines, Havocs, Khorne Berzerkers, Master of Possession and Warpsmith the ability to throw anti-armour grenades.
Krak Grenade
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Research Technology: Krak Grenade

Assault Assault: Classification.
Grenade Grenade: A small bomb thrown by hand.

Research Upgrade: Daemonbone Casings: Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.

At least one research of
  • Template:Lord's Quarters tech
  • Template:Abominator's Genelab tech
Meadow of Sorrow
Meadow of Sorrow
Building Building that increases loyalty. Meadow of Sorrow Warp Forge
Mark of Khorne
Mark of Khorne
Trait Mark of Chaos that increases the attacks of an allied Chaos non-psyker infantry unit.
Mark of Khorne: Increases the attacks.
Unit Hero unit that supports vehicles and boosts the economy. Warpsmith Template:Lord's Quarters tech

Tier 4[]

Research Type Description Unlocks Recipients Requires Base Cost
Warpborne Bolts
Warpborne Bolts
Trait Increases the armour penetration of bolt weapons. Template:Warpborne Bolts Research 104
Warp Forge
Warp Forge
Building Building that constructs new buildings as well as generates ore and influence. Warp Forge Warp Forge
Unit Walker unit that goes crazed when damaged. Helbrute Template:Infernal Fabricator tech
Mark of Slaanesh
Mark of Slaanesh
Trait Mark of Chaos that increases the movement of an allied Chaos infantry unit. Template:Mark of Slaanesh
Noctilith Crown
Noctilith Crown
Action (Only with Fortification Pack DLC)
Grants Chaos Cultists the ability to construct fortifications.
Template:Noctilith Crown
Rite of Pestilence
Rite of Pestilence
Trait Sacrifices population to Nurgle to increase the food output of Renderers and the growth rate in the city. Template:Rite of Pestilence

Tier 5[]

Research Type Description Unlocks Recipients Requires Base Cost
Call of the Dark Gods
Call of the Dark Gods
Trait Increases the tile acquisition radius of cities. Template:Call of the Dark Gods Research 135
Trait Increases the armour of infantry.
Extra Infantry Armour: Increases the armour.
Requires: Extra Infantry Armour
Mark of Tzeentch
Mark of Tzeentch
Trait Mark of Chaos that increases the invulnerable damage reduction of an allied Chaos infantry unit. Template:Mark of Tzeentch
Trait Fast walker unit that reduces the melee attacks of adjacent units. Template:Maulerfiend Template:Infernal Fabricator tech
Action Grants Chaos Lord, Chaos Space Marines, Havocs and Khorne Berzerkers the ability to deploy a melta bomb that is highly effective against heavy vehicles and fortifications.
Melta Bomb
Can only be used against vehicles, monstrous creatures or fortifications.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Research Technology: Melta Bomb

Armourbane Armourbane: Increases the armour penetration.
Bomb Bomb: Fixed accuracy.
Melee Melee: Cannot overwatch.

At least one research of
  • Template:Lord's Quarters tech
  • Template:Abominator's Genelab tech
Warp Frenzy
Warp Frenzy
Trait Grants Champions of Chaos the chance to gain permanently increased attacks when killing an enemy (Boon of Chaos). Template:Warp Frenzy

Tier 6[]

Research Type Description Unlocks Recipients Requires Base Cost
Chaos Rising
Chaos Rising
Trait Reduces the cost of founding new cities. Template:Chaos Rising Research 171
Havoc Launcher
Havoc Launcher
Weapon Grants Chaos Rhinos and Chaos Land Raiders a mid-range blast weapon.
Havoc Launcher
Blast Blast: Hits multiple group members of the target unit.
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.
TwinLinked Twin-Linked: Increases the accuracy.

Research Upgrade: Daemonbone Casings Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons.

Template:Infernal Fabricator tech
Icon of Vengeance
Icon of Vengeance
Unit Icon of Chaos that grants Fearless to a unit with any Mark of Chaos. Icon of Vengeance At least one research of
  • Template:Mark of Khorne tech
  • Template:Mark of Nurgle tech
  • Template:Mark of Slaanesh tech
  • Template:Mark of Tzeentch tech
Conjoined Weaponry
Conjoined Weaponry
Trait Increases the armour penetration of melee weapons. Template:Conjoined Weaponry
Veterans of the Long War
Veterans of the Long War
Trait Increases the morale, and increases the melee accuracy of infantry against units of the Space Marines faction.
Veterans of the Long War: Increases the morale, and increases the melee accuracy against units of the Space Marines faction.
Requires: Veterans of the Long War
Unit Melee infantry unit that can warp across difficult terrain and blind unsuspecting enemies. Warp Talons Template:Abominator's Genelab tech

Tier 7[]

Research Type Description Unlocks Recipients Requires Base Cost
Helhaunted Eyrie
Helhaunted Eyrie
Building Building that produces heldrakes as well as generates loyalty and influence. Helhaunted Eyrie Warp Forge Research 212
Daemonbone Casings
Daemonbone Casings
Trait Increases the armour penetration of grenade, missile and blast weapons. Template:Daemonbone Casings
Trait Increases the armour of vehicles.
Extra Vehicle Armour: Increases the armour.
Requires: Extra Vehicle Armour
At least one research of
  • Template:Helhaunted Eyrie tech
  • Template:Infernal Fabricator tech
Icon of Wrath
Icon of Wrath
Trait Icon of Chaos that increases the damage of a unit with Mark of Khorne. Template:Icon of Wrath Template:Mark of Khorne tech
Rite of Blood
Rite of Blood
Trait Sacrifices population to Khorne to increase the production output of units in the city. Template:Rite of Blood
Unit Terrifying walker unit that consumes the souls of its enemies to restore its hitpoints. Venomcrawler Template:Infernal Fabricator tech

Tier 8[]

Research Type Description Unlocks Recipients Requires Base Cost
Nexus of Doom
Nexus of Doom
Trait Increases the tile acquisition radius of cities. Template:Nexus of Doom Research 257
Action Grants Daemon Princes, Defilers, Helbrutes, Maulerfiends, Venomcrawlers and Warp Talons the ability to perform more devastating attacks.
Hammer of Wrath
Increases the damage.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns
Research Technology: Hammer of Wrath

At least one research of
  • Template:Lord's Quarters tech
  • Template:Abominator's Genelab tech
  • Template:Infernal Fabricator tech
Icon of Despair
Icon of Despair
Trait Icon of Chaos that increases the melee damage reduction against fearful enemies to a unit with Mark of Nurgle. Template:Icon of Despair Template:Mark of Nurgle tech
Unit Elite infantry unit with cyclable weapons. Obliterators Template:Abominator's Genelab tech
Smoke Launcher
Smoke Launcher
Action Grants Chaos Rhinos, Defilers and Chaos Land Raiders the ability to launch a smoke screen that increases the ranged damage reduction. Template:Smoke Launcher Template:Infernal Fabricator tech
Temporal Distortion
Temporal Distortion
Trait Grants Champions of Chaos the chance to gain permanently increased movement when killing an enemy (Boon of Chaos). Template:Temporal Distortion

Tier 9[]

Research Type Description Unlocks Recipients Requires Base Cost
Unit (Only with Assault Pack DLC)
Massively armoured and heavily armed transport unit.
Chaos Land Raider Template:Infernal Fabricator tech Research 306
Unit Monstrous hero that cripples foes with psychic powers before clawing them to death. Daemon Prince
Gift of Mutation
Gift of Mutation
Weapon Grants Chaos Space Marines, Havocs and Khorne Berzerkers one random unlocked Boon of Chaos.
Gift of Mutation: At the start of the next turn, the unit gains a new random unlocked Boon of Chaos and this trait ends.
Requires: Gift of Mutation
Template:Abominator's Genelab tech
Icon of Excess
Icon of Excess
Trait Icon of Chaos that increases the damage reduction of a unit with Mark of Slaanesh. Template:Icon of Excess Template:Mark of Slaanesh tech
Trait Grants Champions of Chaos the chance to gain permanently increased armour when killing an enemy (Boon of Chaos). Template:Mechanoid
Our Lives for the Gods
Our Lives for the Gods
Trait Increases the growth rate of Cultist Sacrifice. Template:Our Lives for the Gods

Tier 10[]

Research Type Description Unlocks Recipients Requires Base Cost
Arcane Occulum
Arcane Occulum
Trait Grants Champions of Chaos the chance to gain permanently increased accuracy when killing an enemy (Boon of Chaos). Template:Arcane Occulum Research 360
Unit Enormous walker unit with devastating melee and ranged weaponry. Defiler Template:Infernal Fabricator tech
Icon of Flame
Icon of Flame
Unit Icon of Chaos that grants “attacks deal Soul Blaze damage each turn” to a unit with Mark of Tzeentch. Icon of Flame Template:Mark of Tzeentch tech
Forbidden Energies
Forbidden Energies
Trait Increases the armour penetration of las and plasma weapons. Template:Forbidden Energies
Rite of Unholy Pleasure
Rite of Unholy Pleasure
Trait Sacrifices population to Slaanesh to increase the influence output of Altars of Chaos and loyalty output of Meadows of Sorrow in the city. Template:Rite of Unholy Pleasure
Warpflame Gargoyles
Warpflame Gargoyles
Weapon Grants damage over time to Chaos Rhino, Defiler and Chaos Land Raider weapons. Template:Warpflame Gargoyles CSM Template:Infernal Fabricator tech
Units & Heroes
Heroes Chaos LordMaster of PossessionWarpsmithDaemon Prince
Infantry Chaos CultistsChaos Space MarinesChaos SpawnsDark Disciples
Khorne BerzerkersHavocsWarp TalonsObliterators
Vehicles Chaos RhinoHelbruteMaulerfiendVenomcrawlerChaos Land RaiderDefiler
Aircraft Heldrake
Stationary Dark FortressNoctilith Crown
Main To be added
Resource production To be added
Unit production To be added
ResearchFaction Quest