Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Relics of War Wiki

This article covers T'au units.


Unit Tier Description Weapons Actions Attributes Cost Upkeep
1 Hero unit that excels at empowering steady firing lines.
Pulse Rifle
RapidFire Rapid Fire: Doubles the attacks at half range.

Research Upgrade: Mor'tonium Accelerators Increases the armour penetration of fusion, ion, plasma and pulse weapons.

Increases the ranged accuracy of T'au against the target enemy unit. Reduces the ranged damage reduction of the target enemy unit against T'au. Ends after the target enemy unit is attacked by T'au.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 1 Turns
Range Range: 2
TargetAcquired Target Acquired: Increases the ranged accuracy of T'au against the unit. Reduces the ranged damage reduction of the unit against T'au. Ends after the unit is attacked by T'au.

Volley Fire
Increases the ranged attacks of adjacent allied infantry units that have not moved.
Radius Radius: 1
Actions Passive action

Break Composure
Adjacent allied infantry units cause attacked units to lose morale.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns
Radius Radius: 1

Precise Shot
Performs an uncompromising Pulse Rifle attack with increased accuracy, damage and range.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns

Increases the loyalty output of all cities.
Actions Passive action

Photon Grenade
Thrown explosive devices that blind enemies.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Research Technology: Photon Grenade

Assault Assault: Classification.
Blast Blast: Hits multiple group members of the target unit.
Blinding Blinding: Reduces the accuracy of the target infantry or monstrous creature unit.
Grenade Grenade: A small bomb thrown by hand.

Research Upgrade: Blast Phasing: Increases the armour penetration of flame and missile weapons.

Deploy Gun Drone
Deploys temporary Gun Drone. Shares cooldown with other drone deployment abilities.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: 1
Research Technology: MV1 Gun Drones
Summon Summon: Classification.

Deploy Shield Drone
Deploys temporary Shield Drone. Shares cooldown with other drone deployment abilities.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: 1
Research Technology: MV4 Shield Drones
Summon Summon: Classification.

Deploy Marker Drone
Deploys temporary Marker Drone. Shares cooldown with other drone deployment abilities.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: 1
Research Technology: MV7 Marker Drones
Summon Summon: Classification.

Armor Armour: 6
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 6
Morale Morale: 10
Movement Movement: 3
Production 15 (Turns 3)
Food 7.5
Ore 7.5
Influence 30
Food 1.5
Influence 3
2 Support hero unit that heals and compels troops to excel.
Honour Blade
Melee Melee: Cannot overwatch.

Sense of Stone
Increases the damage reduction of the Ethereal and adjacent allied T'au infantry and monstrous creatures. Shares cooldown with Storm of Fire.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 1 Turns
Radius Radius: 1
Effect: +17% FeelNoPain feel no pain damage reduction for 1 / 2 / 3 turns

Storm of Fire
Increases the attacks of the Ethereal and adjacent allied T'au infantry and monstrous creatures. Shares cooldown with Sense of Stone.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 1 Turns
Radius Radius: 1
Effect: +17% Attacks Attacks for 1 / 2 / 3 turns

Calm of Tides
Restores the hitpoints of the Ethereal and adjacent allied T'au infantry and monstrous creatures.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns
Radius Radius: 1
Effect: +4.0 Hitpoints Hitpoints

Zephyr's Grace
Increases the action points of adjacent allied T'au infantry and monstrous creatures.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Radius Radius: 1

Deploy Gun Drone
Deploys temporary Gun Drone. Shares cooldown with other drone deployment abilities.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: 1
Research Technology: MV1 Gun Drones
Summon Summon: Classification.

Deploy Shield Drone
Deploys temporary Shield Drone. Shares cooldown with other drone deployment abilities.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: 1
Research Technology: MV4 Shield Drones
Summon Summon: Classification.

Deploy Marker Drone
Deploys temporary Marker Drone. Shares cooldown with other drone deployment abilities.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: 1
Research Technology: MV7 Marker Drones
Summon Summon: Classification.

Armor Armour: 0
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 6
Morale Morale: 12
Movement Movement: 3
Production 15 (Turns 3)
Food 7.5
Energy 7.5
Influence 30
Energy 1.5
Influence 3
3 Jet pack hero unit that coordinates T'au metastrategies.
Burst Cannon
Assault Assault: Classification.

Research Upgrade: Brachyuran Assemblies Increases the armour penetration of burst and rail weapons.

Missile Pod
Assault Assault: Classification.

Research Upgrade: Blast Phasing Increases the armour penetration of flame and missile weapons.

Mont'ka (Killing Blow)
Metastrategy that increases the damage of allied T'au units in the area against enemy units below 50% hitpoints. Shares cooldown with other metastrategies.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns
Radius Radius: 3

Kauyon (Patient Hunter)
Metastrategy that increases the ranged damage reduction of allied T'au units in the area. Shares cooldown with other metastrategies.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns
Radius Radius: 3

Rinyon (Circle of Blades)
Metastrategy that increases the accuracy of allied T'au units in the area against enemy units adjacent to other allied units. Shares cooldown with other metastrategies.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns
Radius Radius: 3

Rip'yka (Thousand Daggers)
Reduces the cooldown of the Commander's metastrategies.
Actions Passive action

Deploy Gun Drone
Deploys temporary Gun Drone. Shares cooldown with other drone deployment abilities.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: 1
Research Technology: MV1 Gun Drones
Summon Summon: Classification.

Deploy Shield Drone
Deploys temporary Shield Drone. Shares cooldown with other drone deployment abilities.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: 1
Research Technology: MV4 Shield Drones
Summon Summon: Classification.

Deploy Marker Drone
Deploys temporary Marker Drone. Shares cooldown with other drone deployment abilities.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: 1
Research Technology: MV7 Marker Drones
Summon Summon: Classification.

Armor Armour: 8
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 12
Morale Morale: 12
Movement Movement: 3
Production 21 (Turns 4)
Food 15
Ore 15
Influence 60
Food 3
Influence 6


Unit Tier Description Weapons Actions Attributes Cost Upkeep
0 Basic versatile infantry unit.
5x Pulse Rifle
RapidFire Rapid Fire: Doubles the attacks at half range.

Research Upgrade: Mor'tonium Accelerators Increases the armour penetration of fusion, ion, plasma and pulse weapons.

Increases the ranged accuracy of T'au against the target enemy unit. Reduces the ranged damage reduction of the target enemy unit against T'au. Ends after the target enemy unit is attacked by T'au.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 1 Turns
Range Range: 2
TargetAcquired Target Acquired: Increases the ranged accuracy of T'au against the unit. Reduces the ranged damage reduction of the unit against T'au. Ends after the unit is attacked by T'au.

5x Photon Grenade
Thrown explosive devices that blind enemies.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Research Technology: Photon Grenade

Assault Assault: Classification.
Blast Blast: Hits multiple group members of the target unit.
Blinding Blinding: Reduces the accuracy of the target infantry or monstrous creature unit.
Grenade Grenade: A small bomb thrown by hand.

Research Upgrade: Blast Phasing: Increases the armour penetration of flame and missile weapons.

5x EMP Grenade
EMP grenades release electromagnetic pulses that damage vehicles.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Research Technology: EMP Grenade

Grenade Grenade: A small bomb thrown by hand.
Haywire Haywire: Increases the damage and ignores armour against vehicles and fortifications.

Research Upgrade: Blast Phasing: Increases the armour penetration of flame and missile weapons.

Bonding Knife Ritual
Restores the morale.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Research Technology: Bonding Knife Ritual

Deploy Gun Drone
Deploys temporary Gun Drone. Shares cooldown with other drone deployment abilities.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: 1
Research Technology: MV1 Gun Drones
Summon Summon: Classification.

Deploy Shield Drone
Deploys temporary Shield Drone. Shares cooldown with other drone deployment abilities.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: 1
Research Technology: MV4 Shield Drones
Summon Summon: Classification.

Deploy Marker Drone
Deploys temporary Marker Drone. Shares cooldown with other drone deployment abilities.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: 1
Research Technology: MV7 Marker Drones
Summon Summon: Classification.

Armor Armour: 6
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 10
Morale Morale: 6
Movement Movement: 3
Production 15 (Turns 3)
Food 7.5
Ore 7.5
Food 1.5
2 Lightly armoured infantry unit with scouting capabilities and advanced drones.
4x Ion Rifle (Standard)
RapidFire Rapid Fire: Doubles the attacks at half range.

Research Upgrade: Mor'tonium Accelerators Increases the armour penetration of fusion, ion, plasma and pulse weapons.

Increases the ranged accuracy of T'au against the target enemy unit. Reduces the ranged damage reduction of the target enemy unit against T'au. Ends after the target enemy unit is attacked by T'au.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 1 Turns
Range Range: 2
TargetAcquired Target Acquired: Increases the ranged accuracy of T'au against the unit. Reduces the ranged damage reduction of the unit against T'au. Ends after the unit is attacked by T'au.

Deploy Recon Drone
Deploys temporary Recon Drone. Shares cooldown with other drone deployment abilities.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: 1
Summon Summon: Classification.

Deploy Pulse Accelerator Drone
Deploys temporary Pulse Accelerator Drone. Shares cooldown with other drone deployment abilities.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: 1
Summon Summon: Classification.

Deploy Grav Inhibitor Drone
Deploys temporary Grav Inhibitor Drone. Shares cooldown with other drone deployment abilities.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: 1
Summon Summon: Classification.

Reveals all tiles in the area.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns
Radius Radius: 3

4x Photon Grenade
Thrown explosive devices that blind enemies.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Research Technology: Photon Grenade

Assault Assault: Classification.
Blast Blast: Hits multiple group members of the target unit.
Blinding Blinding: Reduces the accuracy of the target infantry or monstrous creature unit.
Grenade Grenade: A small bomb thrown by hand.

Research Upgrade: Blast Phasing: Increases the armour penetration of flame and missile weapons.

4x EMP Grenade
EMP grenades release electromagnetic pulses that damage vehicles.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Research Technology: EMP Grenade

Grenade Grenade: A small bomb thrown by hand.
Haywire Haywire: Increases the damage and ignores armour against vehicles and fortifications.

Research Upgrade: Blast Phasing: Increases the armour penetration of flame and missile weapons.

Bonding Knife Ritual
Restores the morale.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Research Technology: Bonding Knife Ritual

Armor Armour: 4
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 8
Morale Morale: 6
Movement Movement: 3
Production 21 (Turns 4)
Food 15
Ore 15
Food 3
3 (Only with Specialist Pack DLC)
Sneaky infantry unit with both ranged and close combat capabilities.
3x Kroot Gun
RapidFire Rapid Fire: Doubles the attacks at half range.

Research Upgrade: Mor'tonium Accelerators Increases the armour penetration of fusion, ion, plasma and pulse weapons.

3x Close Combat Weapon
Melee Melee: Cannot overwatch.

Armor Armour: 2
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 12
Morale Morale: 8
Movement Movement: 3
Production 18 (Turns 3)
Food 10
Ore 10
Food 2
4 Versatile jet pack infantry unit with short range weapons.
3x Flamer
Assault Assault: Classification.
Flame Flame: Classification.
IgnoresCover Ignores Cover: Ignores the ranged damage reduction of the target unit.
NoEscape No Escape: Increases the attacks against open-topped units.
Template Template: Hits with increased accuracy against multiple group members of the target unit.

Research Upgrade: Blast Phasing Increases the armour penetration of flame and missile weapons.

3x Missile Pod
Assault Assault: Classification.

Research Upgrade: Blast Phasing Increases the armour penetration of flame and missile weapons.

Bonding Knife Ritual
Restores the morale.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Research Technology: Bonding Knife Ritual

Deploy Gun Drone
Deploys temporary Gun Drone. Shares cooldown with other drone deployment abilities.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: 1
Research Technology: MV1 Gun Drones
Summon Summon: Classification.

Deploy Shield Drone
Deploys temporary Shield Drone. Shares cooldown with other drone deployment abilities.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: 1
Research Technology: MV4 Shield Drones
Summon Summon: Classification.

Deploy Marker Drone
Deploys temporary Marker Drone. Shares cooldown with other drone deployment abilities.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: 1
Research Technology: MV7 Marker Drones
Summon Summon: Classification.

Armor Armour: 8
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 18
Morale Morale: 8
Movement Movement: 3
Production 21 (Turns 4)
Food 15
Ore 15
Food 3
6 Jet pack infantry unit that specializes in infiltration and anti-armour.
3x Fusion Blaster
Assault Assault: Classification.
Melta Melta: Increases the armour penetration at half range.

Research Upgrade: Mor'tonium Accelerators Increases the armour penetration of fusion, ion, plasma and pulse weapons.

Increases the ranged accuracy of T'au against the target enemy unit. Reduces the ranged damage reduction of the target enemy unit against T'au. Ends after the target enemy unit is attacked by T'au.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 1 Turns
Range Range: 2
TargetAcquired Target Acquired: Increases the ranged accuracy of T'au against the unit. Reduces the ranged damage reduction of the unit against T'au. Ends after the unit is attacked by T'au.

Bonding Knife Ritual
Restores the morale.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Research Technology: Bonding Knife Ritual

Deploy Gun Drone
Deploys temporary Gun Drone. Shares cooldown with other drone deployment abilities.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: 1
Research Technology: MV1 Gun Drones
Summon Summon: Classification.

Deploy Shield Drone
Deploys temporary Shield Drone. Shares cooldown with other drone deployment abilities.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: 1
Research Technology: MV4 Shield Drones
Summon Summon: Classification.

Deploy Marker Drone
Deploys temporary Marker Drone. Shares cooldown with other drone deployment abilities.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: 1
Research Technology: MV7 Marker Drones
Summon Summon: Classification.

Armor Armour: 8
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 6
Morale Morale: 8
Movement Movement: 3
Production 21 (Turns 4)
Food 15
Ore 15
Food 3
8 Heavily armoured infantry unit with long range weaponry.
3x Twin-Linked Heavy Rail Rifle
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.
TwinLinked Twin-Linked: Increases the accuracy.

Research Upgrade: Brachyuran Assemblies Increases the armour penetration of burst and rail weapons.

3x Twin-Linked Smart Missile System
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.
IgnoresCover Ignores Cover: Ignores the ranged damage reduction of the target unit.
Homing Homing: Does not require line of sight.
TwinLinked Twin-Linked: Increases the accuracy.

Research Upgrade: Blast Phasing Increases the armour penetration of flame and missile weapons.

Bonding Knife Ritual
Restores the morale.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Research Technology: Bonding Knife Ritual

3x Seeker Missile
Seeker missiles are one-shot weapons usually guided to their targets by markerlights, though they can be fired independently as well.
Actions Free action
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 5 Turns
Research Technology: Seeker Missile

HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Blast Phasing: Increases the armour penetration of flame and missile weapons.

Deploy Gun Drone
Deploys temporary Gun Drone. Shares cooldown with other drone deployment abilities.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: 1
Research Technology: MV1 Gun Drones
Summon Summon: Classification.

Deploy Shield Drone
Deploys temporary Shield Drone. Shares cooldown with other drone deployment abilities.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: 1
Research Technology: MV4 Shield Drones
Summon Summon: Classification.

Deploy Marker Drone
Deploys temporary Marker Drone. Shares cooldown with other drone deployment abilities.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: 1
Research Technology: MV7 Marker Drones
Summon Summon: Classification.

Armor Armour: 10
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 18
Morale Morale: 8
Movement Movement: 3
Production 24 (Turns 4)
Food 20
Ore 20
Food 4


Unit Tier Description Weapons Actions Attributes Cost Upkeep
1 Fast skimmer unit with anti-armour weaponry.
Fusion Blaster
Assault Assault: Classification.
Melta Melta: Increases the armour penetration at half range.

Research Upgrade: Mor'tonium Accelerators Increases the armour penetration of fusion, ion, plasma and pulse weapons.

Deploy Gun Drone
Deploys temporary Gun Drone. Shares cooldown with other drone deployment abilities.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: 1
Research Technology: MV1 Gun Drones
Summon Summon: Classification.

Increases the ranged damage reduction but reduces the accuracy. Cannot be used if the unit has attacked this turn.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns

2x Seeker Missile
Seeker missiles are one-shot weapons usually guided to their targets by markerlights, though they can be fired independently as well.
Actions Free action
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 5 Turns
Research Technology: Seeker Missile

HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Blast Phasing: Increases the armour penetration of flame and missile weapons.

Armor Armour: 6
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 16
Morale Morale: 10
Movement Movement: 5
Production 15 (Turns 3)
Ore 7.5
Energy 7.5
Ore 1.5
3 Skimmer tank unit that can transport infantry.
Burst Cannon
Assault Assault: Classification.

Research Upgrade: Brachyuran Assemblies Increases the armour penetration of burst and rail weapons.

Deploy Gun Drone
Deploys temporary Gun Drone. Shares cooldown with other drone deployment abilities.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: 1
Research Technology: MV1 Gun Drones
Summon Summon: Classification.

Increases the ranged damage reduction but reduces the accuracy. Cannot be used if the unit has attacked this turn.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns

2x Seeker Missile
Seeker missiles are one-shot weapons usually guided to their targets by markerlights, though they can be fired independently as well.
Actions Free action
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 5 Turns
Research Technology: Seeker Missile

HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Blast Phasing: Increases the armour penetration of flame and missile weapons.

Armor Armour: 7
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 36
Morale Morale: 10
Movement Movement: 4
Production 21 (Turns 4)
Ore 15
Energy 15
Ore 3
5 (Only with Assault Pack DLC)
Heavily armed fortification that can be moved by transporting troops.
Supremacy Railgun
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Brachyuran Assemblies Increases the armour penetration of burst and rail weapons.

Armor Armour: 6
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 32
Morale Morale: 10
Movement Movement: 3 (Only if garrisoned)
Production 24 (Turns 4)
Ore 20
Energy 20
Ore 4
5 Skimmer tank unit with versatile weaponry.
Railgun with Solid Shot
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Brachyuran Assemblies Increases the armour penetration of burst and rail weapons.

Twin-Linked Burst Cannon
Assault Assault: Classification.
TwinLinked Twin-Linked: Increases the accuracy.

Research Upgrade: Brachyuran Assemblies Increases the armour penetration of burst and rail weapons.

Increases the ranged damage reduction but reduces the accuracy. Cannot be used if the unit has attacked this turn.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns

Seeker Missile
Seeker missiles are one-shot weapons usually guided to their targets by markerlights, though they can be fired independently as well.
Actions Free action
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 5 Turns
Research Technology: Seeker Missile

HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Blast Phasing: Increases the armour penetration of flame and missile weapons.

Armor Armour: 7
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 36
Morale Morale: 10
Movement Movement: 4
Production 24 (Turns 4)
Ore 20
Energy 20
Ore 4
6 Skimmer tank unit equipped with powerful missiles that excels in first strikes and against flyers.
Twin-Linked Smart Missile System
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.
IgnoresCover Ignores Cover: Ignores the ranged damage reduction of the target unit.
Homing Homing: Does not require line of sight.
TwinLinked Twin-Linked: Increases the accuracy.

Research Upgrade: Blast Phasing Increases the armour penetration of flame and missile weapons.

6x Seeker Missile
Seeker missiles are one-shot weapons usually guided to their targets by markerlights, though they can be fired independently as well.
Actions Free action
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 5 Turns
Research Technology: Seeker Missile

HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Blast Phasing: Increases the armour penetration of flame and missile weapons.

Increases the ranged damage reduction but reduces the accuracy. Cannot be used if the unit has attacked this turn.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns

Armor Armour: 7
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 36
Morale Morale: 10
Movement Movement: 4
Production 24 (Turns 4)
Ore 20
Energy 20
Ore 4

Monstrous Creatures[]

Unit Tier Description Weapons Actions Attributes Cost Upkeep
5 Jet pack monstrous creature unit that provides concealment and debuffs enemies.
Cyclic Ion Raker (Standard)
Research Upgrade: Mor'tonium Accelerators Increases the armour penetration of fusion, ion, plasma and pulse weapons.

Twin-Linked Fusion Blaster
Assault Assault: Classification.
Melta Melta: Increases the armour penetration at half range.
TwinLinked Twin-Linked: Increases the accuracy.

Research Upgrade: Mor'tonium Accelerators Increases the armour penetration of fusion, ion, plasma and pulse weapons.

Aura of Fear
Reduces the morale of adjacent enemy units each turn.
Radius Radius: 1
Actions Passive action
Fear Fear: Reduces the morale each turn.

Holophoton Countermeasures
Decreases the ranged accuracy of target enemy unit.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 5 Turns
Range Range: 2

Deploy Stealth Drone
Deploys temporary Stealth Drone. Shares cooldown with other drone deployment abilities.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: 1
Summon Summon: Classification.

Bonding Knife Ritual
Restores the morale.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Research Technology: Bonding Knife Ritual

Hammer of Wrath
Increases the damage.
Actions Requires action points
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns
Research Technology: Hammer of Wrath

Armor Armour: 8
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 16
Morale Morale: 10
Movement Movement: 3
Production 24 (Turns 4)
Ore 20
Energy 20
Ore 4
7 Heavily armoured jet pack monstrous creature unit with excellent fire support and a multipurpose nova reactor.
Ion Accelerator (Standard)
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Mor'tonium Accelerators Increases the armour penetration of fusion, ion, plasma and pulse weapons.

Twin-Linked Plasma Rifle
RapidFire Rapid Fire: Doubles the attacks at half range.
TwinLinked Twin-Linked: Increases the accuracy.

Research Upgrade: Mor'tonium Accelerators Increases the armour penetration of fusion, ion, plasma and pulse weapons.

Aura of Fear
Reduces the morale of adjacent enemy units each turn.
Radius Radius: 1
Actions Passive action
Fear Fear: Reduces the morale each turn.

Nova Shield
Sacrifices hitpoints to increase the damage reduction.
Actions Requires action points
Cooldown Cooldown: 2 Turns

Nova Boost
Sacrifices hitpoints to increase the movement.
Actions Requires action points
Cooldown Cooldown: 2 Turns

Nova Fire
Sacrifices hitpoints to increase the attacks.
Actions Requires action points
Cooldown Cooldown: 2 Turns

Deploy Shielded Missile Drone
Deploys temporary Shielded Missile Drone. Shares cooldown with other drone deployment abilities.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: 1
Summon Summon: Classification.

Bonding Knife Ritual
Restores the morale.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Research Technology: Bonding Knife Ritual

Hammer of Wrath
Increases the damage.
Actions Requires action points
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns
Research Technology: Hammer of Wrath

Armor Armour: 10
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 30
Morale Morale: 10
Movement Movement: 3
Production 27 (Turns 5)
Ore 30
Energy 30
Ore 6
10 Gargantuan creature with phenomenal firepower that is equally lethal in attack and defence.
Pulse Driver Cannon
Ordnance Ordnance: Increases the armour penetration against vehicles and fortifications. Not usable by infantry after moving.
LargeBlast Large Blast: Hits multiple group members of the target unit.

Research Upgrade: Mor'tonium Accelerators Increases the armour penetration of fusion, ion, plasma and pulse weapons.

Twin-Linked Smart Missile System
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.
IgnoresCover Ignores Cover: Ignores the ranged damage reduction of the target unit.
Homing Homing: Does not require line of sight.
TwinLinked Twin-Linked: Increases the accuracy.

Research Upgrade: Blast Phasing Increases the armour penetration of flame and missile weapons.

Cluster Rocket System
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Blast Phasing Increases the armour penetration of flame and missile weapons.

Twin-Linked Airbursting Fragmentation Projector
Assault Assault: Classification.
Barrage Barrage: Does not require line of sight, but cannot overwatch.
LargeBlast Large Blast: Hits multiple group members of the target unit.
IgnoresCover Ignores Cover: Ignores the ranged damage reduction of the target unit.
TwinLinked Twin-Linked: Increases the accuracy.

Research Upgrade: Blast Phasing Increases the armour penetration of flame and missile weapons.

Destroyer Missile
Actions Free action
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 5 Turns

HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Blast Phasing: Increases the armour penetration of flame and missile weapons.

Aura of Fear
Reduces the morale of adjacent enemy units each turn.
Radius Radius: 1
Actions Passive action
Fear Fear: Reduces the morale each turn.

Destroyer Missile
Actions Free action
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 5 Turns

HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Blast Phasing: Increases the armour penetration of flame and missile weapons.

Actions Free action
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 1 Turns

LargeBlast Large Blast: Hits multiple group members of the target unit.
Melee Melee: Cannot overwatch.

Hammer of Wrath
Increases the damage.
Actions Requires action points
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns
Research Technology: Hammer of Wrath

Armor Armour: 8
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 48
Morale Morale: 10
Movement Movement: 3
Production 30 (Turns 5)
Ore 40
Energy 40
Ore 8


Unit Tier Description Weapons Actions Attributes Cost Upkeep
7 Well-equipped flying fighter unit.
Quad Ion Turret (Standard)
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Mor'tonium Accelerators Increases the armour penetration of fusion, ion, plasma and pulse weapons.

Burst Cannon
Assault Assault: Classification.

Research Upgrade: Brachyuran Assemblies Increases the armour penetration of burst and rail weapons.

Increases the ranged damage reduction but reduces the accuracy. Cannot be used if the unit has attacked this turn.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns

2x Seeker Missile
Seeker missiles are one-shot weapons usually guided to their targets by markerlights, though they can be fired independently as well.
Actions Free action
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 5 Turns
Research Technology: Seeker Missile

HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Blast Phasing: Increases the armour penetration of flame and missile weapons.

Armor Armour: 6
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 24
Morale Morale: 6
Movement Movement: 6
Production 21 (Turns 4)
Ore 15
Energy 15
Energy 3
9 Flying bomber unit that auto-marks enemies for increased damage and deploys interceptor drones.
Twin-Linked Missile Pod
Assault Assault: Classification.
TwinLinked Twin-Linked: Increases the accuracy.

Research Upgrade: Blast Phasing Increases the armour penetration of flame and missile weapons.

Increases the ranged damage reduction but reduces the accuracy. Cannot be used if the unit has attacked this turn.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns

2x Seeker Missile
Seeker missiles are one-shot weapons usually guided to their targets by markerlights, though they can be fired independently as well.
Actions Free action
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 5 Turns
Research Technology: Seeker Missile

HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Blast Phasing: Increases the armour penetration of flame and missile weapons.

Pulse Bomb
Actions Free action
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns

MassiveBlast Massive Blast: Hits multiple group members of the target unit.
Bomb Bomb: Fixed accuracy.

Research Upgrade: Mor'tonium Accelerators: Increases the armour penetration of fusion, ion, plasma and pulse weapons.

Deploy Interceptor Drone
Deploys temporary Interceptor Drone. Shares cooldown with other drone deployment abilities.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 5 Turns
Range Range: 1
Summon Summon: Classification.

Armor Armour: 6
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 24
Morale Morale: 6
Movement Movement: 6
Production 24 (Turns 4)
Ore 20
Energy 20
Energy 4


Unit Tier Description Weapons Actions Attributes Cost
2 Basic combat drone unit.
3x Twin-Linked Pulse Carbine
Assault Assault: Classification.
Pinning Pinning: Temporarily reduces the movement of the target fearful infantry unit and prevents it from doing overwatch attacks.
TwinLinked Twin-Linked: Increases the accuracy.

Research Upgrade: Mor'tonium Accelerators Increases the armour penetration of fusion, ion, plasma and pulse weapons.

Armor Armour: 6
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 6
Morale Morale: 6
Movement Movement: 3
2 Combat drone unit with scouting capabilities.
3x Burst Cannon
Assault Assault: Classification.

Research Upgrade: Brachyuran Assemblies Increases the armour penetration of burst and rail weapons.

Reveals all tiles in the area.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns
Radius Radius: 3

Armor Armour: 6
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 6
Morale Morale: 6
Movement Movement: 3
2 Drone unit that prevents tile movement.
3x Gravity Wave Projector
Prevents unit movement on target tile.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 1 Turns
Range Range: 1

Armor Armour: 6
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 6
Morale Morale: 6
Movement Movement: 3
2 Drone unit that increases the range of allied pulse weapons.
3x Pulse Accelerator
Increases the range of pulse weapons of target allied unit.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 1 Turns
Range Range: 1

Armor Armour: 6
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 6
Morale Morale: 6
Movement Movement: 3
3 Drone unit that repairs units, clears tiles and founds new cities.
Found City
Consumes the unit to found a new city. Cities can only be found where there are no other cities within a 4 tile radius. Each city after the first decreases loyalty in all cities by 6.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cost: Ore 20, Influence 20 (Per existing city)

Clear Tile
Restores the tile to its normal state and clears it of wire weed, imperial ruins and forests, one at a time.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 1 Turns
Range Range: 1
Cost: Ore 2.5, Influence 2.5

Restores the hitpoints of the target allied vehicle, fortification or T'au unit.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 1 Turns
Range Range: 1

Construct Tidewall Gunrig
Heavily armed fortification that can be moved by transporting troops.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 10 Turns
Range Range: 1
Research Technology: Tidewall Gunrig
Cost: Ore 20, Energy 20

Armor Armour: 6
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 6
Morale Morale: 6
Movement Movement: 3
Production 18 (Turns 3)
Ore 10
Energy 10

Upkeep: Ore 2
3 Drone unit that shields allies.
Project Shield
Increases the damage reduction of target allied unit.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 1 Turns
Range Range: 1
Shielded Shielded: Increases the damage reduction.

Armor Armour: 6
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 6
Morale Morale: 6
Movement Movement: 3
4 Drone unit that marks enemies for increased damage.
Increases the ranged accuracy of T'au against the target enemy unit. Reduces the ranged damage reduction of the target enemy unit against T'au. Ends after the target enemy unit is attacked by T'au.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 1 Turns
Range Range: 2
TargetAcquired Target Acquired: Increases the ranged accuracy of T'au against the unit. Reduces the ranged damage reduction of the unit against T'au. Ends after the unit is attacked by T'au.

Armor Armour: 6
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 6
Morale Morale: 6
Movement Movement: 3
5 Drone unit that conceals allies.
Stealth Field
Increases the ranged damage reduction of target allied unit.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 1 Turns
Range Range: 1
Shrouded Shrouded: Increases the ranged damage reduction.

Armor Armour: 6
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 4
Morale Morale: 6
Movement Movement: 3
7 Shielded combat drone unit.
3x Missile Pod
Assault Assault: Classification.

Research Upgrade: Blast Phasing Increases the armour penetration of flame and missile weapons.

Armor Armour: 6
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 6
Morale Morale: 6
Movement Movement: 3
9 Advanced anti-air drone unit.
3x Twin-Linked Ion Rifle (Standard)
RapidFire Rapid Fire: Doubles the attacks at half range.
TwinLinked Twin-Linked: Increases the accuracy.

Research Upgrade: Mor'tonium Accelerators Increases the armour penetration of fusion, ion, plasma and pulse weapons.

Increases the movement.
Actions Consumes action points
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns

Armor Armour: 6
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 6
Morale Morale: 6
Movement Movement: 3


Unit Description Weapons Actions Attributes Cost Upkeep
Headquarters unit that represents a city's defenses.
Pulse Rifle
RapidFire Rapid Fire: Doubles the attacks at half range.

Research Upgrade: Mor'tonium Accelerators Increases the armour penetration of fusion, ion, plasma and pulse weapons.

Ion Accelerator (Standard)
HeavyWeapon Heavy: Reduces the accuracy after moving.

Research Upgrade: Mor'tonium Accelerators Increases the armour penetration of fusion, ion, plasma and pulse weapons.

Set Rally Point
Sets the rally point for newly produced units in this city.
Actions Free action

Armor Armour: 6
Hitpoints Hitpoints: 64
Morale Morale: 10
Movement Movement: -
Ore 20
Influence 20
(Per existing city)
Loyalty 6 for each city beyond the first
Units & Heroes
Heroes Cadre FirebladeEtherealCommander
Infantry Fire WarriorsPathfindersKrootox RidersXV8 Crisis BattlesuitsXV25 Stealth BattlesuitsXV88 Broadside Battlesuits
Vehicles TX4 PiranhaTY7 DevilfishTidewall GunrigTX7 Hammerhead GunshipTX78 Sky Ray Gunship
Monstrous Creatures XV95 Ghostkeel BattlesuitXV104 Riptide BattlesuitKV128 Stormsurge
Aircraft AX3 Razorshark Strike FighterAX39 Sun Shark Bomber
Drones MV1 Gun DronesMB3 Recon DronesMV33 Grav-Inhibitor DronesMV31 Pulse Accelerator DronesBuilder Drones
MV4 Shield DronesMV7 Marker DronesMV5 Stealth DronesMV84 Shielded Missile DronesMV17 Interceptor Drones
Stationary Tau'shiro HQ
Main To be added
Resource production To be added
Unit production To be added
ResearchFaction AbilitiesFaction Quest