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This article covers Tyranid research.

Tier 1[]

Research Type Description Unlocks Recipients Requires Base Cost
The Spiders' Parlour
The Spiders' Parlour
Unit Enemy units in Tyranid cities take damage each turn. The Spiders' Parlour Research 36
Unit Jump infantry unit. Gargoyles
Building Building that produces heroes as well as generates biomass and increases loyalty. Alpha Ovipository Megafauna Sac
Unit Basic close combat infantry unit. Hormagaunts
Savage Apressants
Savage Apressants
Trait Reduces the influence cost by 50% of overriding instinctive behaviour. Template:Savage Apressants
Synapse Archevores
Synapse Archevores
Trait Reduces the influence cost by 50% of reclamation. Template:Synapse Archevores

Tier 2[]

Research Type Description Unlocks Recipients Requires Base Cost
Hibernation Marsupia
Hibernation Marsupia
Building Building that increases population limit. Hibernation Marsupia Megafauna Sac Research 54
Scavenger Adaptation
Scavenger Adaptation
Building Reduces the influence upkeep of resource buildings by 50%. Scavenger Adaptation Megafauna Sac
Unit Synapse hero unit that spawns armies of Termagants. Tervigon Template:Alpha Ovipository tech
Building Building that produces Thropes and generates research. Aedanthropum Megafauna Sac
Toxin Sacs
Toxin Sacs
Trait Increases the damage of melee weapons against infantry and monstrous creatures. Template:Toxin Sacs Tyranid
Unit Versatile synapse infantry unit. Tyranid Warriors

Tier 3[]

Research Type Description Unlocks Recipients Requires Base Cost
Flesh Hooks
Flesh Hooks
Weapon Grants Tyranid Warriors, Tyranid Primes and Lictors an additional ranged weapon.
Flesh Hooks
Assault Assault: Classification.
Biomorph Biomorph: Classification.

Research Upgrade: Biomorph Adaptation Increases the armour penetration of biomorphs.

At least one research of Research 77
Unit Flying synapse hero unit with terrifying psychic powers. Hive Tyrant Template:Alpha Ovipository tech
Coherence Node
Coherence Node
Building Building that increases loyalty. Coherence Node Megafauna Sac
Malanthropic Gustarflagelli
Malanthropic Gustarflagelli
Trait Increases (doubles) the research gained when enemies die in the area of a Malanthrope. Template:Malanthropic Gustarflagelli Template:Aedanthropum tech
Birthing Canals
Birthing Canals
Building Reduces the influence upkeep of production buildings by 25%. Birthing Canals Megafauna Sac
Building Building that produces ground-based monstrous creatures and generates biomass. Brood Haunt Megafauna Sac
Unit (Only with Specialist Pack DLC)
Infantry unit with poisonous attacks and a protective spore cloud.
Venomthropes Template:Aedanthropum tech

Tier 4[]

Research Type Description Unlocks Recipients Requires Base Cost
Metamorphic Malanthropes
Metamorphic Malanthropes
Trait Reduces the cost by 50% of founding new cities. Template:Metamorphic Malanthropes Template:Aedanthropum tech Research 104
Ripper Dispersion
Ripper Dispersion
Trait Increases the tile acquisition radius of the city. Template:Ripper Dispersion
Megafauna Sac
Megafauna Sac
Building Building that constructs new buildings as well as generates biomass and increases the population limit. Megafauna Sac Megafauna Sac
Unit Monstrous creature unit with a grasping tongue. Haruspex Template:Brood Haunt tech
Unit Fast beast unit bred for close combat. Raveners
Gigaborer Hives
Gigaborer Hives
Trait Increases the armour penetration of short-ranged weapons. Template:Gigaborer Hives

Tier 5[]

Research Type Description Unlocks Recipients Requires Base Cost
Unit (Only with Fortification Pack DLC)
Artillery unit that creates Spore Mines which explode on contact with the enemy.
Biovores Research 135
Carnifex Bone Mace
Carnifex Bone Mace
Weapon Grants Carnifexes an additional melee weapon. Template:Carnifex Bone Mace Template:Brood Haunt tech
Aggressive Expansion
Aggressive Expansion
Trait Increases the growth rate of Tyranid cities. Template:Aggressive Expansion
Ravener Deathspitter
Ravener Deathspitter
Weapon Grants Raveners a ranged weapon. Template:Ravener Deathspitter Raveners
Trait Increases the armour of infantry by one.
Extra Infantry Armour: Increases the armour.
Requires: Extra Infantry Armour
Unit Synapse infantry unit with devastating psychic capabilities. Zoanthropes Template:Aedanthropum tech

Tier 6[]

Research Type Description Unlocks Recipients Requires Base Cost
Carnifex Bio-Plasma
Carnifex Bio-Plasma
Weapon Grants Carnifexes an additional ranged weapon. Template:Carnifex Bio-Plasma Template:Brood Haunt tech Research 171
Grey Matter Dispersion
Grey Matter Dispersion
Trait Decreases the loyalty penalty by one from the amount of Tyranid cities. Template:Grey Matter Dispersion
Unit Monstrous creature unit that excels when stationary. Exocrine Template:Brood Haunt tech
Gaunt Instincts
Gaunt Instincts
Trait Reduces the biomass upkeep of infantry by 17%.
Gaunt Instincts: Reduces the biomass upkeep.
Requires: Gaunt Instincts
Bioweapon Symbiosis
Bioweapon Symbiosis
Trait Increases the armour penetration of melee weapons. Template:Bioweapon Symbiosis
Action Grants Zoanthropes the ability to curse enemy units so they have decreased accuracy.
Reduces the accuracy of the target enemy unit.
Actions Consumes action points
Movement Consumes movement
Cooldown Cooldown: 1 Turns
Range Range: 2
Research Technology: Paroxysm


Tier 7[]

Research Type Description Unlocks Recipients Requires Base Cost
Building Building that produces flying monstrous creatures and generates research as well as increases the loyalty and population limit. Capillary Tower Megafauna Sac Research 212
Desiccator Larvae
Desiccator Larvae
Weapon Grants Hive Tyrants, Tervigons and Tyrannofexes a template weapon.
Desiccator Larvae
IgnoresCover Ignores Cover: Ignores the ranged damage reduction of the target unit.
NoEscape No Escape: Increases the attacks against open-topped units.
Biomorph Biomorph: Classification.
Fleshbane Fleshbane: Increases the damage against infantry units.
Template Template: Hits with increased accuracy against multiple group members of the target unit.

Research Upgrade: Biomorph Adaptation Increases the armour penetration of biomorphs.

At least one research of
Extra Monstrous Creature Armour
Extra Monstrous Creature Armour
Trait Increases the armour of monstrous creatures. Template:Extra Monstrous Creature Armour Tyranid At least one research of
Unit Stealth infantry unit. Lictors
Thresher Scythe
Thresher Scythe
Weapon Grants Exocrines and Haruspexes an additional melee weapon.
Thresher Scythe
Biomorph Biomorph: Classification.
Melee Melee: Cannot overwatch.
Rending Rending: Increases the damage and armour penetration.

Research Upgrade: Biomorph Adaptation Increases the armour penetration of biomorphs.

At least one research of
Unit Monstrous creature unit that can initiate subterranean assaults. Trygon Template:Brood Haunt tech

Tier 8[]

Research Type Description Unlocks Recipients Requires Base Cost
Acid Blood
Acid Blood
Weapon Grants Tyranid monstrous creatures and Tyranid Primes the trait to damage all melee attackers. Template:Acid Blood Tyranid At least one research of
  • Template:Capillary Tower tech
  • Template:Alpha Ovipository tech
  • Template:Brood Haunt tech
Research 257
Efficient Digestion
Efficient Digestion
Trait Decreases the influence cost of consuming tiles by 25%. Template:Efficient Digestion Template:Aedanthropum tech
Ocular Proliferation
Ocular Proliferation
Trait Increases the armour penetration of long-ranged weapons. Template:Ocular Proliferation
Stinger Salvo
Stinger Salvo
Weapon Grants Hive Crones an additional ranged weapon.
Stinger Salvo
Assault Assault: Classification.

Research Upgrade: Gigaborer Hives Increases the armour penetration of short-ranged weapons.

Template:Capillary Tower tech
Trygon Toxinspike
Trygon Toxinspike
Weapon Grants Trygons an additional melee weapon. Template:Trygon Toxinspike Trygon

Tier 9[]

Research Type Description Unlocks Recipients Requires Base Cost
Biomorph Adaptation
Biomorph Adaptation
Trait Increases the armour penetration of biomorphs. Template:Biomorph Adaptation Research 306
Action Grants Exocrines, Gargoyles, Haruspexes, Hive Crones, Hive Tyrants, Scythed Hierodules, Tervigons, Trygons and Tyrannofexes the ability to perform more devastating attacks.
Hammer of Wrath
Increases the damage.
Actions Free action
Cooldown Cooldown: 3 Turns
Research Technology: Hammer of Wrath

At least one research of
Weapon Grants Tyranid monstrous creatures and Tyranid Primes hitpoint restoration each turn. Template:Regeneration Tyranid At least one research of
  • Template:Capillary Tower tech
  • Template:Alpha Ovipository tech
  • Template:Brood Haunt tech
Unit Monstrous creature unit with long-range weaponry that annihilates even the heaviest vehicles. Tyrannofex Template:Brood Haunt tech
Megaunt Instincts
Megaunt Instincts
Trait Reduces the biomass upkeep of monstrous creatures.
Megaunt Instincts: Reduces the biomass upkeep.
Requires: Megaunt Instincts
At least one research of
  • Template:Capillary Tower tech
  • Hive Tyrant
  • Template:Brood Haunt tech

Tier 10[]

Research Type Description Unlocks Recipients Requires Base Cost
Adrenal Glands
Adrenal Glands
Trait Grants units increased movement and increased melee damage. Template:Adrenal Glands Tyranid Research 360
Biogenesis Organelles
Biogenesis Organelles
Trait Increases the population limit of Tyranid cities. Template:Biogenesis Organelles
Assimilation Accelerants
Assimilation Accelerants
Trait Removes the cooldown of reclamation. Template:Assimilation Accelerants
Unit (Only with Assault Pack DLC)
Agile gargantuan creature unit that shreds entire armies.
Scythed Hierodule Template:Brood Haunt tech
Echiurean Walls
Echiurean Walls
Trait Increases the hitpoints of Broodhives.
Echiurean Walls: Increases the hitpoints.
Requires: Echiurean Walls
Units & Heroes
Heroes Tyranid PrimeTervigonHive Tyrant
Infantry TermagantsHormagauntsGargoylesTyranid WarriorsMalanthrope
VenomthropesRavenersBiovoresSpore MinesZoanthropesLictors
Monstrous Creatures TyrannocyteCarnifexHaruspexExocrineTrygonTyrannofexScythed Hierodule
Flyers Hive Crone
Stationary Norn CystBroodhive
Main To be added
Resource production To be added
Unit production To be added
ResearchFaction Quest